What are toxins?

A toxin is a poisonous substance produced within living cells or organisms; synthetic toxicants created by artificial processes are thus excluded.

How are you exposed to them?

You can be exposed to toxins via many of your conventional household products, like cleaning detergents, soaps, body wash, hand soaps, toothpaste, room sprays and much more. We assume they are safe. But in fact, many popular household cleaners are dangerously toxic. Learn about all the scary substances hiding under your kitchen sink, and how to replace them with safer, more natural options that really work. An easy way to know if the product you’re using is toxic is by downloading the App “Think Dirty” all you do is scan your product an it will list all the ingredients, marking red any “dirty” ones.

Beware of Greenwashing

If a cleaning product at your supermarket proclaims itself “green,” “natural” or “biodegradable,” that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s nontoxic. In 2010 the environmental consulting firm TerraChoice Group produced a report called “The Sins of Greenwashing.” In it the group found more than 95 percent of so-called green consumer products had committed at least one “greenwashing sin,” like making an environmental claim that may be truthful but unimportant. “CFC-free,” for example, is a common one, since CFCs are banned by law. Donna Kasuska of ChemConscious offers this advice: “When gauging ecological claims, look for specifics. ‘Biodegradable in three to five days’ holds more meaning than ‘biodegradable,’ as most substances will eventually break down with enough time.”


Find a company you can trust. My personal favorite, Thieves brand by Young Living.

The Thieves® Home Cleaning Kit is the perfect introduction to natural cleaning and provides you with a foundation of cleaning tools and supplies to utilize Young Living’s 100 percent pure essential oils. It includes the tools you need to clean and protect your home without using harsh chemicals. You can get started today creating simple and natural cleaning solutions that are not only effective but also safe to use around every member of your family, including children and pets.


For a full list of Thieves product click here.

One product I cannot live without is Thieves Household Cleaner. It's 100% plant based and is the only cleaner you will ever need for every single surface in your home. Glass, mirrors, granite, wood, laminate, fiberglass... it does it all. One $22 bottle of concentrate makes THIRTY sixteen ounces bottles of cleaner and it takes just seconds to throw together.

To a sixteen ounce spray bottle...
1 Cap of Thieves Cleaner Concentrate
20 drops Lemon
20 drops Pine (optional)
Fill to the top with water and use all day on any surface!

Gone are the days where you have to worry about what your family is touching and breathing in.


  • There are 84,000 chemicals in products in the market today.

  • The EWG estimates that only 5 to 8% of those chemicals are on the product labels.

  • Only about 250 of the 84,000 chemicals in the market have actually been tested for long-term safety with humans.

  • Those 250 chemicals were last tested and updated in 1976.

  • Women expose their bodies to 90 to 200 chemicals before 9 AM everyday.

  • They have found 14 to 21 hormone altering chemicals in the bodies of teenage girls.

  • They have found HUNDREDS of synthetic chemicals in the blood of umbilical chords.

  • We are exposed to more chemicals in ten days than our grandparents were in their entire lifetimes.

These toxins are innocent until proven guilty and it takes up to TEN YEARS to prove just ONE of the 84,000 toxins on the market today is guilty. take your power back so the longevity (length of life) and vitality (quality of life) of you and your family are not compromised in this experiment.

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